Your Five Freestyle Skiing Tricks


Truth be told, fun in ski vacation destination is only possible when snow sport enthusiasts know safe skiing techniques. Knowing these techniques allow vacationers at ski areas to get more out of their escapades. It helps one to navigate the slopes faster and with more freedom. This way, skiers and snowboarders get to discover not just a particular section of the ski area.

First on the list of five freestyle skiing tricks is called 360 – an aerial maneuver characterized by executing a full 360 degree turn in midair before making a smooth landing. To do this, upon takeoff, a skier must move his head and shoulder to the direction of the turn. Then he’d grab the tail of his ski and pull it into a spin before eventually landing on the ground.

A split done midair is called a Daffy – a popular trick where a skier heads to the lip of a jump and once in midair, splits. He would eventually return his legs to original position before landing. When doing daffy, skiers have to make sure they jump high above the ground to make sure the ski boards don’t touch the snow once they split. It is also necessary that skiers have already mastered the art of ski jumping.

Another trick involves grabbing the tail of a ski board while still midair and is called Tail Grab. For this skiing technique, skiers take off at a moderate speed, reach the lip of the jump, and jump into midair. Then skier would eventually cross the skis and grab the tail of the left ski with the right hand. Afterwards, skier returns his leg to original position for a safe landing.

Backscratcher is a technique where a skier moves his ski behind until its tails are in close proximity to the skier’s back. To do this, take off at a moderate speed and bend your knees as soon as you reach the lip of the jump. Position your skis to the side. Once midair, bend your knees further then stretch out your hand and skis behind you so that the tail of your board is close to your body. Lean backward for a backscratcher position, straighten your legs, and then bend your knees once more for safe landing.

The fifth most popular freestyle skiing trick is called Iron Cross – a style wherein snow sport enthusiasts cross their skis as soon as they reach midair. Similar to Daffy, skiers who do Iron Cross have to make sure they jump high enough so that the skis don’t get caught in the snow once they do the cross midair.

If you’re planning to spend a few days any of the ski areas within and outside the country, take time off to learn any of these freestyle skiing tricks and have more fun on the slopes.

The Best Way To Spend A More Pleasurable Family Ski Vacation Trip


A ski vacation with the family is something most people look forward to. Why not? The word vacation alone conjures up images of fun times with members of the family. Holidays, however, can be stressful and having a memorable getaway requires a lot of hard work and preparation. As a matter of fact, some mothers tend to feel that vacations with the family isn’t actually vacation but more like work and play with the kids.

Fortunately, there are ways that help make every family getaway more enjoyable for every household member.

Do not rush things. According to researches, rushing only tends to cause stress and stress can possibly ruin vacations. With that in mind, make sure you take your time. Avoid hurrying things or you will end up forgetting important aspects of your trip. Allocate enough time to get to the airport so you don’t have to worry about missing flights. If you’re taking multiple planes to your destination, make sure you have at least two hours gap between each plane transfer.

Give yourself a break. In case you need long drives to your chosen ski vacation destination, make sure you don’t drive nonstop. Instead, feel free to take a break. Take note that long, nonstop drives can make kids feel bored and cranky. With this in mind, stop every few hours and allow each family member to stretch their legs, have some snack, or even go out for a short sightseeing. It will rejuvenate not only the kids but the parents and driver as well.

Set reasonable expectations. As much as possible, keep your expectations realistic and attainable. Remember that not all family vacations end up the way we envision it to be because in reality, most family vacations are not at all free from arguments, tantrums, and lack of compromise. Take note that kids can easily get bored and would want nothing but endless carefree days on your chosen ski vacation destination, so talk to them about what you really expect from them while you are on a holiday.

Take part in planning the trip. As much as possible, involve everyone in the family when planning your trip. If you are planning to bring extended family members, it will also be nice to let them voice out their opinion. Allow everyone to speak up and offer suggestions and agree on activities that will benefit not only adult members of the family but also the kids. Involving the family in planning for such trip usually results to more wonderful escapades with the family.

Saving Tips For Upcoming Family Ski Trip


Ski vacation packages for the family can be very expensive. As a result, not everyone else would jump at the idea of looking around for ski packages, gears and all that are needed when going on a holiday at any of the countless ski vacation destinations within and outside the country.

If you are a couple who’s into snow sports and you want your kids to develop the same passion for skiing and snowboarding, here are tips that will help your prepare financially for that grand ski trip with the family.

Learn to communicate properly – More often than not, most disagreements over finances occur due to miscommunications. For instance, a family member might expect that money can be spent on just about anything while others may think money should be handled differently. In this case, clarify needs versus wants. Talk with your children and let them know what your expectations are and learn to compromise when really necessary.

Respect money – Money, no matter what its value is, is still money. A dime, a nickel, or a quarter are equally important and must never be taken for granted. With that in mind, teach your kids not to sweep away or ignore pennies as if these were worthless.

Set financial goals – Identify your financial goal and make sure your family knows about it. These goals could be to repay car loans or save enough money for a desired ski trip with the family, or maybe for emergency funds. Let the kids know how important it is to have goals and how to accomplish these targets.

Avoid impulsive buying – Aside from being an excellent way to save money, this measure also teaches children delayed gratification. Teach your kids to make smart decisions on matters involving money. Let them know the importance of doing research before buying what they want and be careful not to quickly give in to their caprices.

Don’t use money to control the family – Be mindful not to use money as a bribe when dealing with any family member. As much as possible, steer clear of bribing kids in an effort to motivate them to get good grades in school. Take note that while money may encourage your kid to study more, it will also teach them that money can be used to control others.

Avoid hiding money – Some parents unconsciously teach their kids to hide money from others. For instance, some moms may tell their kids ‘not to tell daddy’ that they sneaked inside McDonald’s for some fries and sundae while others may advise their child to hide things they secretly bought. Doing so will encourage kids to think that it’s OK to lie and make up stories.

In the end, families can actually utilize several ways and means in order to save up for a planned family vacation at a target ski vacation destination.

Increase Your Own Skiing Skills in 10 Ways


Whether you are planning to visit ski vacation destinations to learn the basics of snow sports or to enhance your style on the slopes; whether you are a newbie on the slopes or a seasoned skier, here are 10 ways that will help you make the most of your time on snowcapped mountains:

1. Enlist and attend ski lessons. Take advantage of the lessons you can get from ski professionals. Ski lessons, whether individual or with group, will give you novel ideas and will enhance your skills in your chosen snow sports.

2. Wear appropriate clothes. A wide range of skis, boots, clothes, and other ski essentials are available in the market, so it is best advised that you choose a ski gear that’s suited for the terrain of your chosen ski resort. Use boots that are flexible and not too stiff. In addition, take note of existing weather conditions when selecting what to wear and be ready to make necessary changes. Put on more layers of clothes to keep you warm if necessary.

3. Be physically fit. Snow sports such as skiing and snowboarding require high energy levels so see to it that you eat well and drink plenty of water before taking the slopes. As much as possible, avoid alcoholic beverages prior to a ski trip. In addition, don’t drink booze if you plan to continue skiing the following day.

4. Mind your posture. The best skiers know by heart that good posture is essential to becoming a better skier. One of the many ways to improving posture is standing with your feet hip width apart then reaching your hands forward at hip level while keeping your eyes on the horizon.

5. Stay fit! Skiing and snowboarding are physically challenging sports. With this in mind, build your core strength, leg strength, and flexibility before booking a ski vacation package. If possible, practice indoor skiing before heading to the mountains for ‘real’ ski adventure.

6. Know your body limits. Be extra careful not to engage in too much exercise and don’t burn out on the first day of your ski vacation. Instead, take things one at a time and give yourself enough time to learn new skills and techniques. Aside from that, give yourself ample time to rest so that you enjoy your time on the slopes more.

7. Discover and test new terrain. If you feel you’re ready to conquer new challenges, go out and try a different terrain. Ski along with seasoned skiers and notice how they handle different slopes.

8. Document your moves. Request someone to take a video of you while you ski or snowboard and then watch it afterwards. Take note not only of your posture, but also of your techniques. Notice how you ski and compare it with the way professional skiers do their thing.

9. Look up! As much as possible, do not be tempted to look down while you ski, or else you might end up focusing on your feet and skis. Instead, look up and discover how easier it is to balance when looking head on.

10. Just have fun! Spend some time to look around and enjoy the breath-taking views surrounding the ski vacation destination before a descent.

Gears For Backcountry Skiing

Backcountry skiing is also called off-piste or out-of-area skiing. Usually in the unmarked or unpatrolled areas either inside or outside of a ski resort’s boundaries. It has becomes a popular ski vacation destinations fun and exciting challenge. For skiers, this kind of experience is as liberating as there are basically no marked areas to follow. And despite the risks involved in this sport, backcountry skiing is growing in popularity.

Market trends suggest an increase in the number of people buying gears designed for off-piste adventure. An obvious proof of the increasing demand for these commodities include an upswing in sales of AT/Randonee products, such that there has been at least $54 million profit from backcountry gear and accessories such as skis, boots, bindings, and even beacons, probes, shovels, and skins.

Perhaps what makes backcountry tour extra exciting is that it is never limited to a single marked run and actually includes that impromptu lap out of the resort’s boundary to a planned day tour or even series of activities through several days on powdered slopes. This ski vacation activity tend to be full of surprises as skiers and snowboarders are not really aware of what to expect off-piste and considering the myriad of possibilities outside marked runs. But this kind of uncertainty tends to attract more vacationers; resulting to an increased interest in backcountry and the influx of sales in backcountry gears.

Topping the list of trending backcountry gears are airbag packs, more sophisticated performing boots, multi-functional apparels and high-tech bindings. Skiers are now looking at lighter and more versatile skis especially those manufactured from lightweight materials. This way, they ski and snowboard faster and more easily. For bindings, there is an increasing demand for revolutionary PinTech-based bindings known to enhance performance, comfort and protection when skiing.

Those on ski trip are also now leaning towards more functional outerwear such as those that feature beacon and skin pockets and those manufactured from wicking and breathable fabrics. In addition, outerwear made with backpack and harness-friendly silhouettes, diagonal vents, lightweight synthetic insulation and water-resistant materials are also in demand.

If you have plans to discover and enjoy off-the-beaten tracks on your next ski vacations, make sure you have the right accessories, equipment and gear. These are readily available in most brick and mortar stores as well as online shops that sell ski equipment. These products are also available for either sale or rent in most ski shops.

Tips For Parents: How To Have A Fun Ski Vacation With Kids

Who doesn’t look forward to a fun ski vacation? Snow sport enthusiasts especially parents who are on a mission to teach their kids skiing and snowboarding skills as well as make happy memories on ice all look forward to hitting the powder. Unfortunately, not every family gets to experience the best on their ski trip – with some even getting into not-so-happy incidences.

Here are tips that will help you get the most out of your vacation on the icy slopes:

Your safety and responsibility within and around your chosen ski vacation destination starts at the lift area. Start off by knowing when, where and how to use lifts and ride safely. In case you need assistance, do not be afraid to ask help from attendants who are there to serve you. See to it that the smallest of your brood loads closest to the attendant. Remind kids to shut off phones, music or games while loading or unloading the lift and encourage everyone to be watchful. In case kids drop anything while on transit, warn against reaching out to falling objects and remind them that whatever falls on the slope can be recovered later. Repeatedly warn kids against any form of horseplay to avoid accidents. Kids and even adults should always sit back and still while on their ride to the top. In addition, never attempt to disembark from the lift unless you reach the “Unload Sign”.

Clothe your kids in layers. Layering helps the body adjust to dynamic temperatures. Polypropene underclothing, for instance, feels sensible to the skin. It dries up quickly, is moisture absorbent, and retains body heat. Kids must also be advised to wear turtleneck, sweater, and waterproof jacket. See to it that the ski wear you have for each of your family member are resistant to both water and wind. In this case, look for clothes that feature wind flaps, cozy cuffs at wrists and ankles, collars that can be zipped up to the chin, as well as deep pockets to thrust your hands.

Be prepared for weather changes. See to it that kids wear gloves or mittens as well as helmets or other head coverings. Take note that most of body’s heat escapes through the head, hence covering this part will help reduce heat loss and will aid in keeping you warm. Aside from mittens and headpieces, it is also necessary that people who flock to the icy mountains wear sun protection. The sun reflects on the powder and can cause irritation and sun burn that may later prevent you from having as much fun in your ski vacation. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the glaring sun. In addition, see to it that your child has contact details written and secured on his/ her pockets for future references. Contact details should include the name, address and contact number of the ski vacation hotel you are staying.

Early Summer Ski Camps At Whistler


The thought of summer camps ignites a myriad of emotions and brings back many unforgettable childhood memories such as sailing and swimming in the lakes, learning crafts, getting your hands on that bow and arrow, as well as forming deeper relationships with friends. If you lived within or near ski vacation destinations such as Whistler, your childhood could also include unconventional summer activity called skiing.

Summer skiing in Whistler existed since the late 1960’s. Roy Ferris and Alan White who owned Highland Lodge recruited Toni Sailer, an awarded member of the Austrian ski racing team, to organize and spearhead Whistler’s first summer ski camp. Toni spent more than a decade in the mountain town and mentored young ski racers under the banner Toni Sailer Summer Ski Camp.

Summer ski programs at the Whistler Mountain were initially driven by the need for competitive skiers to be in tiptop shape and improve their ski skills in preparation for upcoming competitions. Recreational skiers eventually caught the idea of ski clinics and later became active participants of the camp.

As with most ski clinics, participants of the first summer camps at Whistler were generally up at 6:30AM so they could hit the slopes at 8 o’clock. Intensive training typically usually last four hours each day that were then followed with lunch and rest period.

Apart from skiing, participants of the summer ski camps also enjoyed a multitude of activities like sailing, swimming, trailing, horseback riding, as well as volleyball. Campers were enlisted in skill-enhancing programs that included advanced racing, intermediate, recreational, and freestyle and were under the aegis of internationally acclaimed athletes such as Nancy Greene Raine, Jim McConkey, and Wayne Wong.

Early summers ski camps in the mountain town encouraged many to excel and be competitive in ski racing. One of its numerous participants was a 14-year old named Dave Murray who catapulted as one of the Crazy Canucks, a well-known Canadian ski team popular for its reckless riding style. Murray, who attended the 1968 summer camp, later retired in competitive racing and became the lead instructor the summer camp where he honed his skills. He eventually took the organization’s helm and renamed it to Atomic Dave Murray Whistler Summer Ski Camp.

Murray’s organization attracted many skiers from Europe and Japan and helped promote other sports. Snowboarding became popular in the late 1980’s and new programs such as the Snowboard Shop Camp of Champions were established. These new summer camps accommodated snowboarders and other guests who wanted to try non-traditional snow sports.

As of press time, various snow sports are now available in most ski resorts – not only on winter season but also on warm summer months. This way, individuals and families who plan to go on ski trips can have as much fun on the snow regardless of the weather condition.

Summer’s Fun On Ski Resorts

Who said you can’t head to your favorite ski vacation destination on a warm summer day? In case you have heard someone telling you mountain resorts is no fun around these months, many ski destinations now offer different warm weather activities guaranteed to keep guests busy and having a lot of fun. Talk about alpine slide, roller coaster rides, rope courses, and zip lines that are bound to keep your adrenalines on high. And then there are restaurants that provide sumptuous meals especially prepared to satisfy every palate.

What makes summer extra fun on ski destinations? To start with, the place offers a wide range of thrilling adventures. There’s this ski lift that gives every vacationer a bird’s eye view of the beautiful resort and its amenities.

If you’re in Keystone Resort, there’s these bike park that’s a heaven for cycling enthusiasts. The park features rock gardens, bridges, roller coasters, and more than 100 miles of trails that one can take using a cruiser rise or a road bike. This resort also offers mountain bike clinics for beginners and intermediate bikers as well as gear and equipment rental.

Durango Mountain Resort, more popularly known as Purgatory Resort, has something fun and exciting for every vacationer. Its Scenic Chairlifts moves visitors from the base areas to its more than 10, 822 feet summit. Its vibrant green playground features Purgatory Plunge Ziplines, Alpine Slide, and Music in the Mountains. In addition, families can also enjoy miniature golf, family rope courses, wall climbing, mechanical bull, water runners, and bungee trampoline. Therapeutic massage and body treatments are also available to relax, rejuvenate and revive the body and soul.

Whiteface Lake Placid in New York has a bevy of outdoor activities that are guaranteed to entertain guests of all ages. Summertime vacationers have an opportunity to experience the thrill of a professional bobsled that goes through an actual bobsled course. Whiteface Lake Placid is also home to Olympic skaters that you can catch live and in person.

Come summer, Killington Resort that is one of the country’s largest ski areas offer 45 miles of mountain bike trails that once can access through a gondola. It features 18-hole golf course set against a scenic mountain landscape. Weekend summer nights are typically capped with outdoor concert series dubbed “Cooler in the Mountains” that features musicians from all over the country.

Winter Park Resort of Denver in Colorado offers endless summer fun activities starting June 6 till September 27. Aside from usual chairlift, alpine slide, and mountain trails, visitors at this popular ski vacation destination can also have fun on its Human Maze, Bungee Trampoline, Bouncy Snow Cat, and GyroXtreme – a unique summer attraction similar to high technology equipment used by NASA for astronaut training.

Why Need to Plan Early for a Ski Vacation Trip

The country may yet to see snowy slopes and winter flurries, but savvy skiers and families are already planning out their next ski vacation. Sure, there are only a handful of US ski resorts open, and most of them are already offering a whole new set of attractions that doesn’t involve making snow angels.

But making arrangements this early do have a couple perks. To name a few:

Beating the rush

Imagine having to book your ski trip at the last minute, and you’re halfway down the road only to realize you left behind your skis! Or how about taking a chance on budget accommodations that look good on paper (or on the web) then arriving only to get disappointed? This happens when you plan your holidays on panic mode (Read: less than a month before peak season). When you plan your getaway early, you still have enough time in your hands to research on the best accommodations and create an itinerary everyone can agree upon. It also allows you to plan out your wardrobe and decide what gears you’ll need.

The early bird scores the best accommodations

When you book your vacation early, you get first dibs on prime chalets, apartments or hotel rooms. You can even request a room just a stone’s throw away from the slopes! Booking early also means you get to pick your flight schedules, slots in daycare and ski schools for your kids, and the best table at your favorite restaurant.

And big discounts, too!

Many ski resorts offer a slew of early bird incentives for those who plan way ahead. Enjoy huge savings on lodging, airfare, bulk ski passes and lift tickets when you book way ahead of the others.

Come peak season or early ski season and prices start ballooning to premium rates.

Flexible payment terms

On top of discounts, ski resorts, too, may offer early bookers down payment options on ski passes and other fees. For instance, you can pay half of the price now then pay the remainder by September. This allows you to save up for the getaway you and your family have been dreaming of since the end of season, without accruing debts and credit card interest charges.

You can always take a chance on finding last minute bargains. But you could miss out on a lot of advanced reservation promotions that could save a great deal! And while planning out your winter getaway while everyone else is set to hit the beach and get a tan may strike others as odd, you’ll be treating yourself to a well thought off ski vacation you and your whole family will certainly cherish and enjoy.

Why Ski Vacation Trip During Autumn is Ubiquitous

There are fours seasons you can choose to schedule your ski trips in a year. But of all the available intervals ideal for ski outing, there are several reasons to choose autumn over a prescribed season that brings its ubiquitous theme. Surely, it is hard to imagine skiing outside the parameters of winter. After all, snowboards and skis are built for the sole purpose of sliding down the icy slopes. But contrary to popular belief, you do not have to follow weather conventions to indulge on your favorite sport (or vacation). Here are the number of reasons why:

Low density population
One of the biggest perks in choosing autumn season for ski travels is that this is the one annual interval where tourism is not usually at its peak. This time of the year is perfect for a kind of outing that is both fun and slightly exclusive. Availing for delightful discounts and ski vacation packages won’t be relatively difficult either. With few people visiting the ski resort, you won’t have to experience the inconveniences that lively atmosphere brings with them.

Easier crash course environment
Contrary to common hasty conclusion, alpine resorts differ a trifle in autumn terms of winter weather conditions. After all, this geographical part of the world has no shortage of glacier build up. The white icy terrain will remain throughout the year for as long as there is no drastic change in the atmosphere’s composition. What’s even better is that autumn has milder blizzards and a higher frequency of surface powdering. The natural playing field in this time of the year is easier to navigate for novice skiers.

Ordinary days of autumn are relatively serene. But for some people, this tranquility could border into abject dullness. Thus, autumn vacations are not biased towards sedentary vacationers. If people are looking for lively atmosphere in this season’s ideal alpine climate, holidays are the best times to schedule their ski outing. For prolonged vacations, Oktoberfest is an ideal occasion to celebrate in a fine ski resort. This event spans about two thirds of the whole month and is replete with live concerts and prodigious programs centered on hearty beer-drinking.

Halloween and Thanksgiving
For vacationers who do not wish to stay too long but expect a very vibrant atmosphere, they can choose to schedule their ski outings around Halloween or Thanksgiving Day. Halloween is one of the highlighted national holidays because of its wild colorful theme. Thanksgiving is a celebration that appeases the heartiest of appetites. More importantly, both holidays also come with its impressive lists of perks and discounts.

You can never go wrong in choosing autumn as the right season for visiting ski resorts. This season is fine-tuned to for vacationers to have an awesome break. You might have the most memorable of ski trips in this time of the year.
